stress less



8 week prOgramme for hEALTH SEEKERS

A Community Interest Company



This programme is for people who want to feel better about themselves and includes 3 morning sessions and 1 evening session which includes some gentle exercises to stretch and relax the body with mindful practices to calm the mind.

Over the 8 weeks health seekers will receive 4 one to one sessions with a registered therapist/coach who will work with you on your steps to to wellness. It is suitable for beginners to exercise and helps to build the resilience you are wishing to find to cope with the situation you are facing.

There are so many stressors in life to-day and this programme is recommended for those seeking a path through some of the following.

Not an exhaustive list but just to give you an idea of the situations where this is most appropriate and successful.

(see client feedback)

Waiting for, or post surgery

( with GP consent)

Grief and loss

Obesity issues

Menopause and Post Menopause Symptoms

Joint Pain

Caring for others



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We are a registered Community Interest Company with over 40 years experience of using tried and tested techniques to manage stress . It was founded by Gillian Dodd who is a registered Coach and Yoga therapist . Gillian has had her own personal lived experience of using Yoga and other techniques to reduce stress before and following operations and managing her own resilience through significant life events

Her success in the role of director of this social enterprise is backed by the following training and qualifications

Gillian is passionate about enabling individuals to find a path through challenging circumstances and facilitates continuing Professional Development for Health Professionals.

She is determined to dispel the common myth that Yoga is only for the flexible and bendy folk. In her studies and practice of it has found a way to enable others to find the practical benefits of breathwork,

gentle exercise and calming the mind which is derived from 10 years of study of Yoga Philosophy and is currently writing a book on the topic .

  • Training Lead for registered Charity - Parents for Parents

  • Qualified Yoga Therapist (British Council of Yoga Therapists

  • 1500 hours of training in Yoga, , Meditation and Mindfulness and Somatic Exercise

  • Tutor for Yoga Teachers and Health Practitioners - British Wheel of Yoga

  • 30 years of Coaching and Training in the workplace specialising in Stress Management , Personal Development and resilience with membership of CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development)

  • Registered Menopause Specialist (British Wheel of Yoga )


You are ready to feel better about yourself

and your circumstances

Keen to set yourself up for the day

in a better frame of mind

Wanting to do a light form of exercise

from the comfort of your own home

at your own pace

(even if you may need to sit in a chair

or use a chair to get up and down from the floor )

Open to explore ways to find more ease in the body and mind

and willing to have some private sessions

with an experienced therapist


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My menopause symptoms caused me to feel overwhelmed all of the time and my relationships were suffering. This programme helped me find ‘me’ again and manage the stress of menopause. It may have even saved my marriage . Thank you SL4W


Followind my ADHD diagnosis I wanted to do something to help myself. This programme gave me so many techniques to help me to cope at work and at home.


I find the Sunday evening sessions so helpful. Its great to connect with others and I love the relaxation practice we do at the end. I now sleep so much better and have found this programme invaluable in my preparation for surgery.


I love taking part in the morning sessions. They are inclusive and you are encouraged to take care of your body and practice at your own pace. I lost my husband recently and it has helped me to feel better and start the day in a more positive frame of mind .The coaching sessions help me not to feel stuck and create strategies for me to move forward with my life.


Our Schedule


Monday Wednesday and Friday

0730 to 0815 or

0900 to 0945



6.15 to 7.15 pm

One to One Appointments

Online via zoom or in person at your GP Hub




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